
Thursday, January 24, 2013


               “pichu sthoola kavalika” (su.ut)
                A thick swab or a cotton pad is called as Pichu
                Pichu Dharana (placing of soaked linen) is a process in which a piece of cloth, gauze or linen is soaked in the medicated ghee or oil and placed in the desired position over the body or in the body parts according to the site of the treatment
¨  At the time of Swedana karma PICHU is placed on the Brahmarandhra
¨  By the employment of this procedure one can achieve all the beneficial effects of (MURDHA TAILA)
¨  The procedure is said to be more beneficial in dermatological conditions of the scalp as well as psychological disorders
¨  As this process does not involve massage ,it can be confidently performed in painful conditions or ulceritis of the scalp also
Differentiation between PICHU and PLUTHA
Pichu –Swab or thick cotton pad (kavalika) soaked in the medicated ghee or oil and placed in the desired position over the body for a prescribed time
Plutha- Medicated gauze piece (vikesika) or packed swab which is soaked in medicated ghee or oil and placed on the affected place and removed immediately in the process of cleaning (prakshalana) eg- vrana/yoni prakshalana
¨  Shiro pichu - placed on the Brahmarandhra (anterior fontanalle)
¨  Yoni pichu – placed at vulvae or at the external os in vaginal canal
¨  Guda pichu – placed at anus or at anal canal
¨  Karna pichu – inserted in the external ear
¨  Nasa pichu – inserted in the region of nostrils
¨  Nabhi pichu – placed over the naval the umbulicus
¨  This is a type of Moordha Thaila , where in cotton pad/gauze soaked with oil is placed on the head by tying for a prescribed time.
Abhyanga seka pichavo vastischeti chaturvidam moordatailam bahugunam thadvidyat utharotharam
Indications of Moorda taila
   “pichuhu keshashata sputana dupane netra stambecha
It is indicated in alopecia, sputana breaking/splitting of hairs/skin of scalp
Materials required:
  1. Suitable Sneha 50-100ml(just above body temperature)
  2. Cotton-Q.S
  3. Hot water bath-Q.S
  4. Gauze (60cm)-1
  5. Vessel(200ml)-1
  6. Rasnadi churna-5gm
  7. Soft towel-1
  8. Attendent-1
  9. Armed chair-1
Pre operative procedure:
          Remove hair completely from the head for better therapeutic efficacy. It may be done without removing the hairs too
Prescription of the oil:
In healthy patients oil may be prescribed according to the prakriti of the patient as listed below:
¨  Vata prakriti: Himasagara tailam
¨  Pitta prakriti: Chandanadi taila , Chandana Bala Lakshadi taila , Ksheera Bala taila
¨  Kapha prakriti: Triphaladi taila
¨  Sama prakriti: Asanavilvadi taila
Where prakriti of the person is by the combination of doshas, mixture of the above oil  can be used according to yukti of vaidya
                In equal amounts may be effectively used in accordance with the doshas involved in the formation of prakriti. Further , if the patient has any complaints related to head, scalp or hair specific oil may be used for the abhyanga as detailed bellow:
¨  Dandruff : Dhaturapatradi  taila
¨  Cranial nerve disorders : Narayana taila, Dhanvantara taila, Masha taila etc.
¨  Premature graying of hairs: Neelibringadi taila , Bhringaraja taila etc.
If these specific oil is not available , simple murchita taila may be used to get the benefits of abhyanga. To get the maximum benefits it is better to use specific oils, prescribed for different conditions
¨  Patient should sit comfortably .Massage the head with Luke warm oil(around 40oC).Place the cotton over the scalp uniformly with a thickness of 2cm.Gauze piece is tied around the head above the eyebrows ,to hold the cotton in place and to prevent oozing of oil into the face. Pour the Luke warm oil(around 40oC) over the bregma region so that sufficient quantity reaches the scalp
Post operative procedure:
              After the prescribed time, gauze and cotton should be removed. Wipe the head,  and Rasnadi choorna should be applied. Bathing can be done after 1 hour.
              30minutes-1 hour, for required number of days
Complications and management:
             Peenasa-stop the procedure and treat accordingly
¨  A tampoon soaked in the medicated oil placed at the vulva or at the external os in vaginal canal
¨  It is mainly indicated in treatment of vataja yoni rogas
Vatartanam cha yoninam sekabhyanga pichu kria
Such as-
¨  Vamini,upapluta,vipluta etc..
Medicines used :
·         Udumbaradi-Taila
·         Udumbaradi-Dugdha
·         Dhatakiyadi-Taila etc..

¨  A tampoon soaked in the medicated oil placed at anus or anal canal
Indicated in the treatment of –
·         Hemorrhoids
·         Fissure in ano
·         Rectal prolapse etc..
Medicines used-
  • Mushika taila-rectal prolapse
  • Jathyadi ghritam/oil-fissure in ano
¨  A tampoon soaked in the medicated oil inserted in the external ear
¨  Pichu in karna sandana-Otoplasty
  “abhyajya madusarpibhyam pichu plothavaguntitham
                                Skin below the border of the hair at the back of the ears is everted by scraping rolled over the joint to the pinna and placed on it ,the site is then anointed with honey and ghee and covered with a swab tied with a thread neither too loose nor tight
Karna pichu is also indicated in the treatment of-
  • Karna shoola
  • Bhadiryam etc
¨  A tampoon soaked in the medicated oil inserted in the nostrils
¨  Nasika sandhana-Rhinoplasty
sithyed ganda tatha soochya sevinya pichuyukthaya
¨  After the new flap taken from the cheek and sutured on the nose the place is anointed with raw oils
¨  Nasa srava-pichu is done with druvankara patra swarasa
¨  Pichu in Oshtakopa chikitsa-
     “mahasnehena vatoshte sindhenaktha pichurhita
       devadoopa maduschishta guggulu amaradarubhi
                                In osthakopa caused by vata, cotton swab soaked in mahasneha cooked with devadhupa,maduschishta.gugglu and amaradaru should be placed on lips
The key conditions which the treatment addresses are:
¨  Facial palsy
¨  Headache
¨  Insomnia
¨  Poor memory
¨  Dermatitis of the scalp
¨  Dandruff
¨  Neurological disorder
¨  Paralysis
¨  Skin disorders such as eczema
¨  Premature graying of hairs
¨  Local inflamation
¨  Stiffness of the eyes
¨  Epistasis,ear ache,tinnitus,lock jaw
¨  Some pathological conditions of vagina
¨  Cervical erosions
¨  Vulvo-vaginitis
¨  Leucorrhea and types of inerftility
¨  Rectal prolapse and fissure in ano

It can be basically divided into two types
 Local and Systemic mode of action

¨  Local action of pichu depends on :
¨  Place of application of pichu and medicine used
¨  Local action of pichu is based on cellular absorption of medicine,acts as snehana lekahana etc eg: vrana ropana ,baghna, nasa arsas etc
¨  Systemically  cellular absorption and circulation and effects on CNS
¨  Eg :shiro pichu in paithika type of disease and insomnia
Contibuted by
Dr.Gautham .M

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