
Saturday, February 16, 2013


Ayurveda has got 8 branches or the Ashtangas                                                                                             (Ashta means 8 and angas means branches or parts)

"Kaaya baala graha urdhvaanga shalya damshtra jara vrshan Ashtau angaani tasyaahuh chikitsa yeshu samsthitaah."
-Ashtanga hrdayam

They are as follows

·         Kayachikitsa
·         Bala Chikitsa
·         Grahachikitsa
·         Urdhvangachikitsa
·         Salyatantra
·         Visha Chikitsa
·         Rasayanachikitsa
·         Vajeekaranachikitsa

         Kaya Chikitsa (General Medicine)
                                  The term Kaya means body and Chikitsa means treatment. Refers to the treatment of diseases pertaining to Kaya or the body. The term Kaya  is derived from the Sanskrit word “chin-chayane”means to collect. Here collection refers to food. Kaya takes in food and metabolizes it. So it can be also considered that KayaChikitsa means treatment of diseases, which arise due to impaired metabolism. The treatment may be done internally or externally i.e., by medicines given orally or through Sodhana or eliminative procedures-Panchakarmas.
                 Panchakarmas means five treatments—Vamana (Emesis), Virechana(purgation), Vasthi (Enema), Nasya(Nasal Medications), Raktamoksha (Different forms of bloodletting)
      Bala Chikitsa or Kaumarabhritya (Pediatrics)
                                Kaumarabhritya or Bala Chikitsa deals with all diseases of the infants. According to Acharya Susruta it deals with diseases of Kumara or child, qualities of a wet nurse, causes of vitiation of breast milk and its mode of purification, diseases due to intake of this vitiated breast milk its treatment and the influence of grahas on the child which leads to diseases or can be said as the infections and its treatments and affections of childhood. According to Acharya Harita antenatal care and management of Puerperium also come under this branch.
       Grahachikitsa or Bhootavidya (Psychiatry)
                          It dictates the diagnosis and treatment of mental diseases. Management of psychiatric diseases like unmada and apasmara come under this branch.
       Urdhvangachikitsa or Salakyatantra (Ophthalmology & ENT)
                           According to Acharya Susruta it includes all the diseases pertaining to Urdhvanga – Area above the neck i.e., eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat and head etc.. and its treatment.. It comprehends the faculties of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology.

        Salyatantra  (Surgery)
                    Salyatantra analogous to Surgery of Modern Medicine. Acharya Susruta is considered as the father of Surgery. This branch deals with various surgical and orthopedic procedures. Removing foreign bodies either of exogenous(Sand, wood, stone ,warfare materials etc..) or endogenous origin (pus, dead fetus, extravasated blood etc..)from the body . It also deals with the diagnosis and management of inflammatory swellings and description of various uses of surgical instruments. It also explains the mode of preparation, properties and applications of various cauteries (alkalies, fire etc..).
        Damshtra or Visha Chikitsa or Agadatantra (Clinical Toxicology)
                                Deals with diagnosis and treatment of bites of poisonous snakes, insects, spiders, mice etc.. and criminal administration of poison.
       Jara Chikitsa or Rasayanatantra (Rejuvenative therapy )
                                Deals with the methodology and medications to preserve youth or maintain lifespan even prolong it, promote intelligence and strength and give immunity to resist diseases.
        Vrisha Chikitsa or Vajikaranatantra (Reproductive Medicine/Aphrodisiacs)
                          Vaji actually means horse and karana means to follow. This part deals with remedies for increasing the quantity of Semen when its scanty, methods for purification when vitiated, replenishing its losses and methods for improving virility.

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