
Friday, February 15, 2013


  • ·         Grape Juice
  • ·         Sugar cane Juice
  • ·         Sugar cane Juice mixed with Lime Juice
  • ·         Water melon Juice
  • ·         Coconut water
  • ·         Carrot tomato Juice
  • ·         Carrot Beetroot Juice
  • ·         Barley Water
  • ·         Orange Juice
  • ·        Apple, Pineapple, Papaya and Mango are also good.
  • ·        One pinch of black pepper mixed with buttermilk

Juices must be pure and preferably homemade. Resistance is low in jaundice and an infected juice will make things worse. It is important to make these juices fresh each time and avoid storing.

Food items
  • ·         Take Porridge/Gruel 3 times a day without adding any salts and spicy items
  • ·         Take Oats, Bread slices, Idli, Dosa , Rotis( No ghee and oils),
  • ·         Take Cucumber and other Raw vegetable salads can be taken plenty.
  • ·         Take One ripe banana with one tablespoon honey daily.
  • ·         Take Skimmed milk.

  • ·         Avoid curries with masalas & spices
  • ·         Avoid Non vegetarian foods of all kinds, fried foods and large meals,Saturated animal fats.( it  adds more stress to the liver)
  • ·         Avoid all fatty foods ( Ghee,Creams, Butter, Fats And Oils)
  • ·         Avoid totally alcohol consumption which is toxic to the liver.
  • ·         Avoid Diet refined Sugar and anything containing caffeine.
  • ·         Avoid curries which contain lots of masalas & spices
  • ·         Avoid Potatoes and all tubers
  • ·         Avoid Bottled fruit juices & other soft drinks.


  • ·         Have complete bed rest
  • ·         Take plenty of pure water

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