
Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Ø  Choorna-Medicinal powders
Ø  Pinda-Bolus पिण्ड रूपो स्वेद: पिण्डस्वेद (चक्रपाणि)
Ø  Sweda-Sudation
                Sudation done with the boluses of various medicinal powders is called Choorna Pinda Sweda.
It is one among Keraleeya Chikitsa Kramas
Abhyanga, Navarakizhi, Navarateppu, Ela Kizhi, Podi Kizhi, Naranga Kizhi, Pizichil, Dhara, Sirobasti, Talapothichil, Kati basti and Urobasti are unique therapeutic procedures popularly known as Keraleeya Chikitsa Kramas .            
Acharya Charaka explains 13 types of Sweda
सन्कर प्रस्तर नाडी परिषेको अवगाहनम्
जेन्ताको अश्मघ्न: कर्षु कुटी भू कुंभिकैव
कूपो होलाक इत्येते स्वेदयन्ति त्रयोदश (.सू-१४/३७-३८)
Pinda Sweda can be included under Sankara Sweda acc. To Charaka & Kashyapa
तत्र वस्त्रान्तरितै: अवस्त्रान्तरितै: वा पिण्डै:
यथोक्तै: स्वेदनं सन्कर स्वेद इति विद्यात् (.सू-१४/३९)
                                Sweda done with bolus wrapped in cloth or not, is known as Sankara Sweda.
स्वेद तापो उपनाह ऊष्म द्रव भेदात् चतुर्विध:” (.हॄ.सू-१७/)
Choorna Pinda Sweda can be included under Ooshma Sweda acc. To Vaghbata and Susruta
ऊष्मातुत्कारिका लोष्ट कपालोपलपांसुभि:
पत्रभन्गेन धान्येन करीषासिकतातुषै:
अनेकोपाय सन्तप्तै: प्रयोज्या: देशकालत: (.हॄ.सू-१७/)
Types of Ooshma Sweda Acc. To Ashtanga Samgraha
 ऊष्म स्वेद: पुनरष्ट्धा भिद्यते
पिण्ड: सम्स्तरो नाडी घनाश्मा कुंभी कूप: कुडी जेन्ताकश्च
Materials Required for Choorna Pinda Sweda
  Suitable Choorna-800gm to 1Kg
                                200gm to 250 gm. for 1 bolus – Usually 4 Boluses or Kizhis are used. Hence the total necessity for a full body treatment will be 800 gm. To 1Kg.
  Cotton Cloth(45cm*45cm)-4
  Rasnadi Choorna (for thalam)-5gm
  Medicated Snana Choorna-Q.S
  Medicated Oil( if necessary)-100 to 150 ml
Medicinal Powders-Some Choices
Choice No. 1 --- Individual Powders
1) Kulatha  (Dolichos biflorus)
v  Rasa- Kashaya, Tikta
v  Guna- Laghu, Rooksha
v  Virya-Ushna
v  Vipaka- Katu
v  Charaka tells this under Swedopaga gana
कुलथ: कटुक: पाके कषाय: पित्तरक्तकृत्
लघुर्विदाहि वीर्योष्ण: श्वासकासकफानिलान्” (भा.प्र)
2)  Satapushpa (Anethum Sowa)
v  Rasa- Katu, Tikta
v  Guna- Laghu, Teekshna
v  Virya-Ushna
v  Vipaka- Katu
3)      Tila (Sesamum indicum)
v  Rasa- Katu, Tikta, Kashaya, Madhura
v  Guna- Guru, Snigdha
v  Virya-Ushna
v  Vipaka- Katu (B.P & A.H)
v  Vipaka-Madhura (S.S)
Choice No. 2 ---- Powder of combination of raw drugs
v  Rasna
v  Erandamoola
v  Kushta
v  Kulatha
v  Jadamamsi
v  Masha
v  Tila etc..
Choice No.3--- Certain Yogas
Ø  Kottamchukkadi Choornam
                Kushta, Nagara, Vacha, Sigru, Lashuna, Lodhra, Devadaru
Ø  Jadamayadi Choornam
                                Jadamamsi, Chandana, Kundurushka, Kushta, Aswaganda,Rasna, Sarala
Ø  Kolakulathadi Choornam
                Kola, Kulatha, Suradaru, Rasna, Masha, Athasi, Tila, Kushta
Preparation of Powder
Ø  The powders should be heated in vessel till it attains a Golden Brown Color.
Ø  Care should be taken to prevent charring of the powder while heating
Ø  It is then divided into 4 equal parts and tied into 4 Pottalis

Method of Application of Choorna Pinda Sweda
Ø  Rooksha type :- Dry Choorna Pinda Sweda without Prior Oil Massage
Ø  Snigdha type :- With 10 to 15 minutes abhyanga prior to CPS & Pottalis are also heated with oil
……. पांसु सिकता गवादि पुरीष धान्य बुसपुलाक पललैर्वा अम्लोल्क्वतितै: पूर्ववत् वेष्टितै..... (.-२६/)
Ø  The Pinda can be dipped in Amla dravyas and also the treatment can be done
Procedure of Choorna Pinda Sweda
Poorva Karma
  The patient should be seated with leg extended over the dhroni facing to east.
  Thalam-Should be applied on head and the patient should be seated on the table/ dhroni
Ø  Rasnadi Choornam
Ø  Kachooradi Choornam
Ø  Triphala Choornam
Ø  Kumaree thalam
Ø  Ksheera Bala tailam
  Poorva Abhyanga Can be done in Snigdha variety of Choorna Pinda Sweda
Pradhana Karma
  The Pottali Should be heated on a  vessel, and it should be applied over the body after confirming the heat, by placing on dorsum of hands, before applying on the patient.
  Circular Movements on joints and pressing movements on other parts of body
  Both Pottalis are used alternately after reheating to maintain uniform temperature throughout the process.
  The therapy is done with two therapists one on either side of body of patient.  One therapist helps to heat the bolus
  Time duration :- 30 to 45 minutes in 7 positions ;look for Samyak Swinna lakshana
         शीतशूलक्षये स्विन्नो जाते अन्गनं मार्द्वम् (.हॄ.सू-१७/१५)

Paschat Karma
  After the procedure Thala should be removed with Cotton & Rasnadi Choorna is applied over moordha
  Cover the patient with a blanket after the procedure
  Patient should take complete rest for atleast half an hour
  Ushnajala Snana after that
  Regarding Pottalis
§  The Clothes used for this procedure should be tough enough to prevent breaking.
§  Care should be taken to prevent charring while frying choorna & also with reheating the Pottalis.
§  Shuffle the contents of each Pottali everyday & tie again properly. Change Pottali after 2 days of use.
  Regarding Therapists
§  One therapist should exclusively look after heating of boluses without allowing them to burn.
§  Therapists on either sides of patient should do the treatment in a synchronized manner
§  The heat of the bolus should always be felt by the therapist first, by placing on dorsum of hands before applying on the patient.
  Regarding Patient
§  If the patient feels any discomfort or attains good perspiration at any time of the treatment the therapy should be stopped
§  Genitals ,Heart & Eyes  should be protected from heat.
§  Avoid exposure to Cold Breeze, Rain ,Snow or Sunlight soon after karma
§  Avoid Divaswapna
  Regarding Time
§  Ideal time to perform the procedure is b/w 7-11am & 3-6 pm (morning & evening)

  Vata-Kapha Disorders
  Ama Conditions
  Uru Sthambha
  Muscle Stiffness
  Restricted joint movements
  In Acute inflammations , Pitta disorders
  Skin allergies
  Pitta disorders
  Shivering-Due to uneven distribution of temperature or if body is subjected to cold immediately after the procedure.------ Cover with a blanket and rest
  Moorcha-Due to increased temperature
  Visphoda-Apply Satadhouta ghrita
  Pitta Kopam , Syavaraktamandala darshanam

  Susruta says to perform all kinds of Sheetopachara
  Charaka advises the adoption of Grishma Ritu Charyas along with consumption of Madhura Snigdha ahara & to follow Snigdha Sheetopachara
  Vaghbata advised the use of Sthambana Chikitsa in case of AtiSwinna
  Laghu , Manda, Sheeta, Rooksha, Slakshna , Sookshma , Sara, Drava gunas and Tikta – Kashaya – Madhura rasas are Sthambana Oushadhas
Probable Mode of Action
       Ushna Guna of swedana karma leads to stimulation of sympathetic nervous system and there is vaso dialation (sroto vispharanam)
       Ushna Guna also increases circulation of Rasa and Rakta
       By the help of Ushna teekshna Guna agni deepanam will occur which results  amapachana.
       Due to the effect of Sara and sookshma gunas of swedana dravyas, the leena doshas are liquefied in in our body they come out through the pores of sweat glands which are present over the skin
       Since there is extreme Vaso dialation due to production of heat, it results in more of excretion of liquefied vitiated doshas from the body resulting in sroto shodhana.

Prepared by


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