We get
the references of Leech therapy(Jaloukavacharana) in Vedic period - Jalouka or Leech is mentioned in Athervanaveda.
In koushika sutra of atharvana veda references of rakta mokshana(blood letting) by
jaloukavacharana are found. In skanda
purana and in mahabharatha we get the references of the word Jalouka.Samhita
period: Charaka, Sushrutha, Vagbhata,
HaritaSangraha period: Bhavamishra,
sharangadhara have Bhaishajya rathnavali, Yogarathnakara, Chakradatta
therapy has a long history. Records indicates that Greek medicine used leech
therapy 3,500 years ago.In Europe Hirudinea mediacinalis was commonly used for
phlebotomy in olden times the procedure was called as ‘leeechery’.
The famous
english poet william words ,In1802 wrote a poem ‘The Leech Gatherer’ based on
medicinal use of leech.In the 1980, medicinal leech therapy got a big boost by
plastic surgeons that used leeches to relieve venous congestion, especially in
transplant surgery.
Ancient Greek paintings showing physicians( Iatros) doing phlebotomy
- Jalaukaavacharana ------ application of leeches.
- Used in Rakta vitiated by Pitta
- Anushastra ------- Sushruta
and Vagbhata
- Shastra pranidhanas
---------- Charaka
The word jalauka is a compound word with two
components jala (water) + oka (Housing place) ie; Animals having water as its
residing place
Leeches are specialised annelids with suckers.
Common Indian Species are
- Hirudinaria granulosa
- Hirudinaria viridis
- Hirudinaria javanica
- Hirudinaria manillensis
- Annelida
Class -
Order - Gnathobdellida
Family -
Genus -
Species -
Savisha(Poisonous) Nirvisha(Non Poisonous)
- Krishna Kapila
- Karbura Pingala
- Algarda Shankhmukhi
- Indrayudha Mooshika
- Samudrika Pundreekha
- Gochandana Savarika
Savisha Jalouka (Poisonous Leeches)
Which live in impure water.
Which is originated from dead fishes, frogs, snakes, and their excreta
which are red.
White or very black in Colour.
They are thick very active and slimy with thick hairs in moderate
quantity and have different kinds of coloured lines resembling the rainbow on
their body are savisha.
Their bite will produce daha, shopha, paka, kandu, pitika, visarpa,
jwara, murcha, swithra.
Savisha Jalouka
- Krishna Jalouka: That which is black in colour like that of anjana, where head is large.
- Karbura Jalouka: It resembles the fish of vermin type. Dalhana has described it like snake type, these type of jaloukas will have stripped abdomen, which is concave or convex.
- Algarda Jalouka: These have the markings on the body surface and they resembles the hairs with large abdomen. Head will be black in colour.
- Indrayudha Jalouka: It resembles Indrayudha having different colours on the surface of its body.
- Samudrika Jalouka: Slightly blackish and yellowish in colour. It resembles various flowers.
- Gochandana Jalouka: It consists of two parts on its posterior aspect, and its face is very small.
Nirvisha Jalouka
Those which live in fresh water, which has lotus, lily and other fragrant
flowers, large reservoirs having pure water and algae,
which are like algae,
which are blackish, green which have blue lines, over their body,
which are round
Nirvisha Jalouka
- Kapila Jalouka: Those having the colour of “Manashila” on both the sides snigdha, sometimes resembling the colour of mudga dhanya.
- Pingala Jalouka: Its Colour is indicated by its name and its moves very fast.
- Shankhamukhi : It have the colour of liver, which sucks the blood quickly and its face is long resembling Shanka mukha.
- Mooshika Jalouka: These Jaloukas will have the shape, colour and foul smell of rats.
- Pundarika Jalouka : Those having the colour of mudga and shape of the face resembling lotus.
- Savarika Jalouka : These jaloukas will be oily in nature, colour resembling the leaves of lotus, having a body length of 18 angulas. They are used to let the blood from cattles.
Jalouka Pramana(Length of Jalouka)
The maximum length of all kinds of Jalouka is 18 angulas.
Jalouka which are four, five or
six angulas should be used.
Stree jalouka/ Pum jalouka(Female
& Male Leeches)
Those which are slender of their skin small head and large lower part
(hind part) are Stree Jaloukas.
These Jaloukas are used in the mild diseases with mild vitiation of
These Jaloukas with the opposite features of Stree Jaloukas are Pum
Jaloukas. The mouth part will be shaped like half moon.
These Jaloukas are used in profound increase of doshas and the diseases
which are long standing
Jaloukavacharana Arha rogi(Indicated
Patients for Leechtherapy)
Raktajanya vikaras affecting the Children,aged persons,Timid,weak women
and delicate persons.
Jaloukavacharana Anarha rogi(Contraindicated
Patients having edema all over the body
Bleeding hemorrhoids
during pregnancy
cold season
For one who is starving, unconscious, frightened, intoxicated, exhausted
who are having urges for defecation or micturition
Jalouka(Leeches which can be used)
The Nirvisha Jaloukas
With good qualities
Proper size and measurement
Anarha Jalouka(Leeches which cant be
Savisha Jaloukas
Jaloukas which are seen tired with no active movements after putting in fresh
suffering from “Raktamada”, which is caused by improper vomiting of previously
sucked blood.
Jaloukas which looks fat in centre,
Very flat,
less movements,
Which does
not catch the part for sucking the blood
sucks very less blood than usual.
Contents of Leech Saliva
several bioactive substances including anti-coagulants, Vaso-dilators, and
Hirudin, a
potent anticoagulant in leech saliva, inhibits the conversion of fibrinogen to
fibrin, preventing blood from clotting. Indeed, a wound may continue to bleed
for many hours after the leech has already detached.
benefits of leech therapy are due, in large part, to the anti-coagulant
effects, vasodilator effects, and anesthetic effects of these biochemical, as
well as the physical effects of blood letting (phlebotomy).
Therapeutic properties of Leechtherapy General Reflexogenic ,Hypotensive,
Bloodletting ,Immunopotentiating, Internal Decongestion, Bacteriostatic, Anticoagulant, Anti-inflammatory, Protective Antithrombotic,
Local Anti-edematous, Thrombolytic, Analgesic, Antiatherosclerotic,Anti-ischemic
Jalouka sadhya diseases
Gulma, Arshas,
Vidradhi, Kanta rogas, Vata rakta, Netra roga, Visha dushta, Visarpa. Kshudra
kusta VidradhiShiroroga, if jalokas applied on shankha pradesha there will be
sudden relief of pain. In all raktaja
vikaras, where pitta dosha is predominant In avagada Rakta
Topic to be continued....Next topic about Jaloukvacharana Vidhi (Method of Application of leeches in the patient)
Prepared by
Dr.Goutham .M
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